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midMidstream Oil & Gas

The midstream sector serves an important role in the oil and gas industry. It helps transport the raw crude oil produced in oil fields, and transform it into useable resources. The midstream sector serves three main functions – processing, transportation, and storage and logistics.

From Process to Transport — here's the three main processes in the Midstream Sector:

  1. Field Processing

    Safety and reliability is first and foremost when it comes to extracting oil from an oil field — not to mention, the increasing demand for high quality product which can be easily achieved with proper design, maintenance and training.

    Once it is extracted, it is separated into oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids as it flows into a gas-oil separation unit, separating water and oil from the natural gas mixture. The water is either recycled or disposed of, while the oil, gas, and natural gas liquids flow to the appropriate storage facilities. Product measurement, waste removal, and temporary storage of goods until they are transferred to refineries are among the other operations that occur in field processing.

  2. Storage

    Storage is crucial for keeping oil supply and demand under control in the global market. Furthermore, the storage tanks carry vast amounts of either oil or gas ready to be sold in the various industries. In specific, crude oil is capable of doing a great deal of damage in a short amount of time, so it is important to ensure proper design, regular maintenance, and proper training to create a safe, reliable industrial storage for oil and gas.
  3. Transportation

    Since crude oil and gas must be transported to other facilities for further refining and distribution, transportation is a key component of the midstream sector — either by pipeline, truck, rail or ships. Once it is transported to a refining facility to be made into end products such as gasoline, LPG, diesel, and jet fuel – it is then transported again to end-users such as homes, factories, and gas stations. The final stages of transportation is also known as Downstream Oil & Gas.

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