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Weekly Column Safe Representative Gas Grab Sampling

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Safe, Representative Gas Grab Sampling

To effectively manage chemical processing costs and uphold product quality standards, it's essential to routinely collect representative process fluids for laboratory analysis. This practice, known as grab sampling or spot sampling, serves to validate process conditions and ensure compliance with both internal benchmarks and customer requirements. Moreover, grab sampling serves as a valuable tool in corroborating data from online analyzers, which are increasingly relied upon for real-time process monitoring. 

Swagelok Senior Principal Design Engineer, Matt Dixon, discusses the unique set of challenges presented to operators that are seeking to verify a representative sample to understand true and current process conditions. Material selection, design, operating processes, and maintenance are all critical to the accurate and safe sampling of process fluids. Learn more about these best practices in the Swagelok Reference Point blog, linked below. 

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Swagelok® Grab Sampling Advisory Services

lnterested in learning more about how to improve grab sampling practices in your facility? Our grab sampling specialists can help to evaluate your existing grab sampling infrastructure to identify opportunities for improvement or can work with your team to specify a system that is right for your application. 

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