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Product Traceability:
Creating a Strong Link to our Product

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Creating a Strong Link to our Product

Product traceability allows us to create a strong link to the product sold to our customers, creating transparency from raw materials to packed product. We're able to react swiftly and effectively to control the recall of product, ensuring our product is safe and reliable, even after the point of sale. Furthermore, control of our recalls isn't the only benefit of product traceability.

We understand the importance of material selection, and ensuring the product is certified to industry standards. As a result of retaining product information, you're able to request material certifications even after the product is purchased and installed.

Do you need certifications for your product?

Our Commitment to Customer Service

Even the most basic part has batch traceability and we're committed to retaining this information for each, and every order. If you're looking to simply place an order, quote, or need assistance that can be provided through calling, or sending an email to us. This will allow us time to fulfill your request without any potential disruption to your day.

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