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The Swagelok Tube Fitting Advantage: Better by Design

Swagelok developed the original two-ferrule tube fitting in 1947, and with 200 active patents worldwide, we’ve continued to improve our proprietary design ever since. When you choose Swagelok fittings, you’re choosing optimal consistency achieved through decades of expert design engineering, metallurgy and performance testing – Swagelok is designed to be different. Follow the video series as we explore four distinct advantages of the Swagelok tube fitting.

Better by Design



How We Outperform

1. The Big Three – Swagelok tube fittings have a grip-type design that uses a unique “hinging and colleting” action to achieve optimal performance in three key areas:

  • Tube Grip – hinging and colleting action provides more direct tube contact/gripping support.
  • Gas Seal – burnishing/polishing action of the front ferrule creates concentrated zones of contact on the tube and on the body bevel for a stronger seal.
  • Vibration Resistance – the colleting region better isolates stress risers at the tube grip to resist bending, deflection and vibration.

2. The SAT12 Process – dubbed “one of the most significant breakthroughs in material science,1” SAT12 is Swagelok’s unique low-temperature carburization process. It achieves a phenomenal tool-steel-like hardness and strength in the ferrule without sacrificing corrosion resistance or material ductility (is nonbrittle).

3. Ease of Installation – Swagelok fittings are easy to install; they come fully assembled, and connections can be reassembled many times. Further, our experienced trainers can equip your workforce with the essential installation know-how.

4. Tested to Extremes – Swagelok fittings are used every day in high-risk environments. As such, Swagelok performs continuous, rigorous testing of production tube fittings to ensure reliable performance; some tests take as many as 10 million cycles to complete. We also offer the most comprehensive book of tube fitting Product Test Reports (PTRs) in the industry and also conduct customized testing to prepare Customer Test Reports (CTRs) for specific conditions and applications.

We’re equipped to handle the demands of industry as systems operate at even higher temperatures and pressures – we're constantly evaluating the performance of our products so that you never need to re-evaluate your choice of supplier.

If you’re interested in learning more about Swagelok Tube Fitting Design and the correct installation practices, register for our Tube Fitting Installation and Tube Bending Essentials class.

Register Now - Tube Fitting Installation and Tube Bending Essentials

Watch the next video in our Tube Fitting Advantage Series:

The Swagelok Tube Fitting Advantage: A Material Difference

1Arthur Heuer, PHD, Kyocera Professor of Materials, Case Western University