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Did you know Swagelok® Sample Cylinders are approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT)?

Companies in various industries rely on Grab Sampling to ensure a representative sample has been obtained, and analyzed. Sample systems and analyzers are a big investment, in both time and money, to ensure producers have a quality product, and customers are getting what they have paid for. Maintenance programs are critical in every part of the operation, and sample cylinders are often overlooked! Swagelok has developed a Maintenance Program to help keep your sample cylinders in optimal operating condition.

Did you know that sample cylinders are more prone to wear and tear due to leakage from components, surface corrosion and swelling of outside diameter and overall length? Our experienced service professionals check for:

Sample Cylinder Report
  • Cylinder expansion
  • Leakage
  • Corrosion
  • Internal surface conditions
  • Working conditions of the valves and quick connects
  • Improperly installed components

What does an evaluation look like?

Our Sample Cylinder Maintenance Program ensures that your cylinder is within tolerance to operate safely under pressure. We also check and assess the condition of thread connections needle valves, rupture disc valves, and fittings so you can have confidence your cylinders are leak free and contributing to a highly representative sample.

Once we've completed our evaluation, you'll receive a comprehensive report with our findings, along with recommendations for repair, or further testing if required. 

View an example of a Cylinder Maintenance Evaluation Report

Request an Evaluation today: