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Understanding and Measuring Time Delay in an Analytical Instrumentation System

Understanding and Measuring Time Delay in an Analytical Instrumentation System


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The goal of an analytical instrumentation system is to provide a timely sample to the analyzer to ensure the fluid is representative of that taken from the process line at the time the sample is drawn. Far too often time delay, that is to say the total time required for the sample to be transported to the analyzer, is unknown, or known to be too long, resulting in inferior process control.

In this week’s blog, Swagelok product manager for Analytical Instrumentation, Karim Mahraz, explains time delay in greater detail, how to accurately measure time delay, and discusses ways to improve time delay by making informed decisions with respect to component selection and system design.

Read the full blog on the Swagelok Reference Point ->

Maintaining a representative sample is not easy. Where high quality data is king, inaccuracy almost always results from the sampling system. Fortunately, all of the usual pain points in a sampling system are avoidable, and we can help. Our Sample System Problem Solving and Maintenance class is specially developed for anyone involved the maintenance of process analyzer sampling systems, and will show you how to recognize common sampling system design flaws.

Improve time delays with sample system training

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