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What are fugitive emissions?

Fugitive emissions are unintended or irregular emissions of gases or vapors from pressurized equipment. Gases of concern are volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Lowering emissions helps you reduce climate change impacts, minimize legal and financial impacts, and conform to local emissions regulations.

Evaluation & Advisory Services

Leakage is a serious consideration in the reliable performance of fluid systems – even the smallest leaks can cost facilities thousands of dollars a year. Finding leaks in compressed gas systems can be time consuming and costly, but with the proper help you can reduce the amount of time, and cost spent on traditional leak detection methods. With our Evaluation & Advisory Services, we will work with your team to improve system performance and reduce operational costs by our proven process.

Evaluation & Advisory Services

Low-Emission Certified Valves

Environmental emission regulations are progressively getting more strict, which can make procurement problematic. Swagelok's extensive line of general industrial and process interface valves have passed the American Petroleum Institute's most stringent fugitive emissions testings without any design modification, which means no special ordering requirements.

Low-E Certified Valves
Distribution Manifolds
Process Monoflange Valves
Medium-Pressure Ball Valves
Double Block and Bleed Valves
2-Valve Manifolds
5-Valve Manifolds
Instrument Ball Valves
Process Ball Valves
Alternative Fuel Service Ball Valves
Trunnion Ball Valves
Bleed Valves
Instrument Needle Valves
Multipurpose Ball Valves
Rising Plug Valves
General Utility Service Needle Valves
Severe Service Needle Valves

Read the full blog on the Swagelok Reference Point

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