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Calculating the ROI of a Process Analyzer


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Quality process analyzer technology is an expensive asset. The good news is, when paired with the appropriate sample delivery and conditioning infrastructure, the equipment usually provides a compelling return-on-investment (ROI).

Encouraging this type of capital investment usually requires a sound ROI analysis – that is, an understanding of the upfront costs associated with bringing the equipment online and continued operating costs, measured against the expected benefits and savings the analyzer will enable. Swagelok Analytical Instrumentation product manager, Karim Mahraz, discusses strategies for calculating ROI across three key categories – safety and environment, process control, and quality assurance – and the critical impact each play in the profitability of your operation.

Read the full blog on the Swagelok Reference Point ->

As more industries bring additional analytical equipment online, it becomes imperative to haveSwagelok Grab Sample Panel quality sampling systems that can accurately capture the process for later analysis. Using 15 standard panel designs, Swagelok can tailor a sampling system solution to meet your specific needs. Utilizing this standardization mentality, you can expect to benefit from faster sampling, simpler training for your staff and a consistent approach, because all your panels will look and feel the same.

Improve your sampling systems

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